Devlog week 6

Welcome readers!

This week we made a lot of progress on the game!

For art this week,

Joan focussed on building out the level using the assets made by Felicia and Bram. It took some more time to place them kind of one by one, even with making a tilable design and then copying them all over. 

Meanwhile Bram dedicated his time to making bushes and grass after which he made a rope and pole setup for the bridge.

For the bushes He first made a unique radial texture after which he made a tiling one to be able to make more funky shapes.

for the ropes he went into zbrush after which he reduced the polycount in maya and then implemented them in engine with a blueprint.

For the grass he made a colourvariationmask for the edges and nerf. The basecolour is driven by a splatmap which is to be driven by the worldpositionoffset in the future.

Felicia mostly worked on the rooftops of the castle, using the blockout Joan had made as a nice blueprint. Working from that blueprint also made placing of the rooftops way easer in game. Implementing the style of the game onto the brick tiles and moss of the rooftops was a little bit tricky, both in modelling and texturing. So there were many versions made trying out what amout of tiles would look the best--too few and it looked empty and too sleek, but complete rows stacked looked really noisy. The AO bake also had to be done without the overlapping tiles, as most of the tiles themselves share UV space, and it simply didn't look very good. Eventually everything looked pretty good, and we could import the rooftops into the engine and have it fit nicely with the castle. As expected the colours didn't match entirely, but with a little bit of shader tweaking we increased the saturation and made the roof darker, and now the castle and the roof looks nice together.

Mauro was perfecting his sand material by creating some small pebbles and giving some height and depth to the main playground.He also  mounted a walk animation, sword attack pose and idle animation  onto the rig he made for our main playable character with the help of Mixamo and alot of Maya tweaking. Inbetweenthis the shortsword got finished as well.

Wout worked on the detaching of the limbs in combat, if the player gets hit by a sword at a shoulder the shoulder will be dropped on the ground. If a shoulder is detached players can go for the head and detach that as well. By detaching the head that player will die. 

Besides that he also worked on the respawns, so the player can respawn if he died. Every player has 3 lives.

This week ward focused on  making the multiplayer work, now  2-4 players can join the game (pre defined in the game settings) and fight out till their last breath. Each character gets their own unique color (Red, Green, Blue, Purple).

The characters were also replaced with skeletal meshes, allowing for animations to be added (currently idle and walking). Soon you will be able to bring up those fancy moves you always wanted to do.

Thanks for reading! Hope to see you here again next week for another progressupdate!

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Apr 25, 2023

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